Why Do You Need Google Invisible ReCAPTCHA Extension on Your Store?
Google reCAPTCHA in Magento 2.3. store is definitely the right extension to use in your Magento store. Magento 2 Google Invisible ReCAPTCHA helps to distinguish between computer and human. It uses Google reCAPTCHA to verify or check if the user of a particular website is a human or a robot. Its main objective is to stop spam and protect the website from intruders, and it does so with a simple and easy workflow
Users must complete the CAPTCHA with words or letters displayed on the screen. If the CAPTCHA matches, it allows the user to continue, if not, of course you cannot continue. The contact form is an important part of any online store, so it should have a built-in CAPTCHA form to prevent spam.
Magento is a popular and powerful e-commerce platform. Most of us internet users are familiar with CAPTCHA and have interacted with a CAPTCHA test at least once. However, few of us understood the idea behind it.
The first iteration of reCAPTCHA (now called reCAPTCHA v1) is technically simple human assisted object character recognition (OCR), where users see word pairs, one of which can be understood by a computer program (like a bot) using OCR software that is a control word, but the other word can only be recognized by a human .
Thus the reCAPTCHA v1 test assumes that if the user identifies the control word correctly, the other must be correct, and the reCAPTCHA test determines if the user is a valid user You can integrate the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA extension into your Magento store. This can ensure that your Magento store and customer data are safe from bots and scams. This helps to ensure that absolutely no spamming and fraudulent activities are performed through and on your Magento store.
The magento 2 google recaptcha extension works to secure your Magento 2 store without disturbing real customers. Because the reCAPTCHA is invisible, visitors don’t need to solve quizzes or select the “I’m not a robot” check box. The reCAPTCHA permission request appears only in suspicious cases. Some of the benefits that you get when you choose to get the Google Invisible ReCAPTCHA Extension are mentioned below:
It helps to distinguish between bots and humans.
It helps to identify any spamming or fraudulent activity.
It ensures the security of your Magento store.
Protects customer data and store statistics.
You need to include Google invisible ReCAPTCHA extension in your Magento store which can help prevent any kind of fraudulent activity in your Magento store.
Click here to know more about magento 2 Google Invisible ReCAPTCHA